Friday, March 7, 2008

The Bitch Is Back

Hi All,

It has been forever since I have updated this thing. My apologies... I will try to update more often. That said, I have time to post now, as I am currently "between jobs." A sucky place to be, it's true, especially with 4 kids. But I am freelancing and am confident that something good will happen.

Thank God we, according to our President, are not in a recession. Maybe I can get a job designing rose-colored glasses.

And maybe someone can tell me why, when companies lay people off, they get rid of the ones that are actually doing work and keep the seatwarmers whose basic function seems to be to kiss the boss' ass and are about as smart as your average pull toy?

I mean that in a good way....

On the bright side I have FINALLY updated my website, Check it out if you're really bored for some mediocre art.



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